Guided tours and programs can be provided by CBF volunteers. Subject specific speakers, tours or historical programs can be tailored to meet your need. Preschoolers, homeschoolers, school and child care, adult special interest and those old enough to remember growing up in the farm era can enjoy visiting this Hudson landmark.

Reminiscences of a Hudson, Ohio Farm Boy
Maple sugaring activities at Case Barlow Farm are documented by Franklin S. Barlow (1912 – 1996), Reminiscences of a Hudson, Ohio Farm Boy”, written in 1983. “The mention of maple syrup reminds me of our farm breakfasts which were very hearty indeed. The main course at our breakfasts, virtually 365 days a year, was pancakes.”
The farm activity which most people regard as really romantic is the production of maple syrup. In a way it is but it also involves a lot of very hard work. Throughout the winter whenever there was a spare hour or so we would be cutting wood for the sugar house. Then in February some time when the weather was most miserable we would get out and scrub the evaporating pans, clean up the sap buckets, check out the gathering and sap storage tanks and wash the spiles. (I can’t find the word spile in my dictionary and it may be a corruption of some other word, but that is what we called the little metal tubes that were driven into holes bored in the maple trees and from which the sap ran into the buckets suspended from them.)

Events for Kids
CBF Field Trips for any age can be tailored to your group's interests and age. Ideas include topics such as Farm Life, History of Hudson, Genealogy, Seasons on the Farm, etc. Call the farm to discuss times and topics.
CBF offers unique events to share that fun with friends. Private parties can be tailored to your preference. Some recent events included a tea party, fairy or ghost gardens, birthday parties and more. Call to arrange your event.
Some events are offered in co-operation with Hudson Community Education and Recreation. For current offerings and registration, contact HCER at

American Girl Mystery Parties
For many children, history comes alive through their dolls. CBF offers unique events to share that fun with friends. Recent events included both private and public events that can be tailored to your preference.
Come enjoy as American Girl Themed party or participate in one of the American Girl Mystery Parties, offered for youth 8 to 12 years olds. Each person attending is assigned a fictional characters, and given a script to follow as the party attendees solve a mystery.
American Girl Mystery Parties are offered for youth 8 to 12 years olds. Each person attending will be assigned one of eight fictional characters, and given a script to follow as the party attendees solve a mystery.