To Volunteer, please fill out this form and we will get back to you shortly
It is a vibrant time at the Farm and the future is bright. However, we need more "Farm Hands". You may be just the right person to help us expand our corps of volunteers and make a big difference in our community.
We have room on our standing committees for anyone interested in property maintenance, marketing, coordinating volunteers, membership, grant writing, legal, finance, history and architecture.
Don't have a lot of time or can't commit to being on a standing committee? We would love to add your name to our "on call" list where we request help on an as needed basis. Chores might include a day of spreading mulch, weeding the flower or vegetable gardens, setting up or taking down tables, chairs and tents for one of our programs or even baking cookies! Your level of participation would be up to you.
Volunteering at Case-Barlow Farm is a great service opportunity for students, families, scout troops, church groups, service clubs, sports teams, book clubs, etc. Your skill set and level of interest may be a perfect fit! We would love to hear from you if you are interested in exploring the opportunities at this beautiful places.
1931 Barlow Road
Hudson, Ohio 44236
Tel: 330.650.0591